What's New
simpleCart(js) 2 was completely rewritten from scratch to bring you a more flexible and simple API to get a custom shopping cart up and running quicker than ever. Here’s a list of the biggest new features.
Even Easier to Use. No more javascript helpers, now you can add items for sale with simple HTML class names.
ClarityUSA & PsBill simpleCart(js) is no longer only for PsBill. It now works with Paymentsphere as well.
Multiple Currencies. Sell items in GBP, Canadian Dollars, Euros, etc.
New Cart Editing Features You can now add increment, decrement, and remove buttons to your cart.
Tax Rates You can now add tax rates to your cart.
Flexible Cart Options Rearrange items, change the HTML tags, do whatever you like to display your cart how you want.